Intestinal Obstruction

Introduction to Intestinal Obstruction

Intestinal obstruction refers to any hindrance that prevents normal flow for food, fluids and gas in your intestines thus being a potentially dangerous medical condition. A blockage may occur either within the large bowel or small intestine and can be caused by different factors like adhesions (scar tissue), hernias growths impacted feces or inflammation.

This blockage will cause severe abdominal pain, cramps, bloating, vomiting, constipation and inability to pass gas. If not treated, it may lead to dead tissues in the intestine leading to tearing of the bowel and infection which can be a life threatening condition.

Seek medical attention promptly if you are experiencing symptoms of intestinal obstruction such as nausea, bloating at the site of the obstruction (usually seen as distension in the lower abdomen), absence of bowel movements or passage of gas through rectum. This can involve surgery with an aim of removing a blockage which is followed by prompt initiation therapy for restoration of normal gut function.