Hiatus-Hernia Disease

Introduction to Hiatus-Hernia Disease

The presence of hiatus hernia is when part of a person’s stomach gets pushed through an opening called hiatus situated within diaphragm into thoracic cavity.

Ordinarily according to Thorax Anatomy Book 2017 it supports stomach below chest area however with hiatus hernia this opening widens/ weakens allowing passage through.

There are two types: sliding hiatus hernia and paraesophageal hiatus hernia? Sliding one which involves esophagus’ connection with stomach (Gastroesophageal junction)and another version occurs less often but is more serious since it includes the stomach part that slides through diaphragm with esophagus leading to some complications like strangulation and obstruction.

Hiatus-Hernia Disease

Hiatus Hernia is Surgical Problem

- Timely and Good Surgery can give good quality of life and can prevent future complications

Hiatus Hernia Disease