Hydatid Disease

Introduction to Hydatid Disease

Hydatid disease also called echinococcosis is an infection caused through larvae that are present in some tapeworms belonging to genus Echinococcus. It affects mainly mammals including humans and its prevalence occurs worldwide more especially in those areas where livestock rearing is common.

The parasite has two hosts that include: definitive host that is usually carnivorous like dogs and foxes whereas intermediate host include livestock or humans. Infection happens when man unknowingly consumes eggs of tape worm usually via contact with polluted soil water or food.

Once inside our stomachs they hatch into larvae which then break through the walls of intestines and spread across various parts especially liver and lungs. With time these larvae form fluid filled cysts inside organs often being liver or lungs causing significant damage to them.

Hydatid Cyst Of Liver

- Hydatid cyst is infestation of E. Granulosus

- Liver is common organ affected

- Dog & Cattles are carrier for this worms

- Symptomatic Cyst can be treated by Laparoscopic Surgery

Hydatid Cyst Of Liver